Learn Modern JavaScript from Scratch in 2020:-JavaScript is the world’s top programming language. This is developed as a high level language and It’s used for android application and web application.
JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive. This is a good language for writing object oriented language. We can use it by coding like when we use twitter and tweet a post that does not open in a separate page, but rather shows us on a big window. All this is possible through JavaScript.
Modern JavaScript Course(view) will teach you JavaScript coding from scratch. The first section start with Data types, fundamentals, Loops, Functions, etc. This course has Modular Learning Sections and Project Series. In Modular Learning Section, you will learn coding to take outputs and it has 10 different types of Project Series without using frameworks. In this, you will learn and create a pure JavaScript projects. This course is generated with 5 different languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Indonesian). You can learn this course your language of choice.
What you need to learn it –
- You should have knowledge of basic HTML and CSS.
What you will learn in this course –
- Basic & Fundamentals.
- Modular learning Sections and 10 real world projects.
- Asynchronous Programming with Ajax, Fetch API & Async.
- Document Object Model without using jQuery (DOM)
- It’s OOP including ES5 prototypes & ES6 Classes
- JavaScript Patterns.
- Regular Expressions, Error handling and Local Storage.
- Programming Scope, Arrow Functions, Map, Set, Iterators.
- Around 10 Projects.
JavaScript Included Projects
- Task List
- Loan Calculator
- Number Guessing game
- Book Manager
- EasyHTTP Library(Fetch API)
- GitHub Finder(GitHub API)
For more information about Projects click here
Modern JavaScript Course has 120 lectures
- JavaScript Language Fundamentals has 17 lectures
- DOM Projects has 10 lectures
- DOM Manipulation & Events has 12 lectures
- OOP Book List Project has 6 lectures click on view to see more.
Brad Traversy is an instructor of this course. He has been programming for 12 years and also teaching programming language for 5 years. He is also the owner of Traversy Media which is flourishing web development YouTube channel. Moreover, he specialize in Angular and server side technologies like Node.js, PHP and Python. Brad has expert who explain the complex topics in easy method. This is the reason people are learning this course.
This course has 4.7 ratings out of 5 and 40,819 students are already enrolled in it. It has 21.5 hours video, 111 Downloadable resources, and full lifetime access. Also you can access it on mobile and television.
My best wishes with you all. Good Luck and enjoy this course ! Keep learning.
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