The Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript 2020

The Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript 2020 (view):- If you are planning to be a front end developer then Modern JavaScript Course is the best option for you. This programming language is essential for web development. This course is very well planned and executed and you can build very interactive websites after completing it. Moreover, you don’t need to have programming experience for this course. The most important thing is that this course covers the modern ES6 and ES7 that is used in the real world.

The Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript 2018

Andrew Mead is the instructor of this course and he is a really great teacher, very engaging, passionate and ready to help everybody in learning development. I highly recommend his course as he is easy to understand and provides challenges which help in the learning process.

This course is highly rated (4.8 out of 5) on Udemy and more than 6,415 students have been enrolled already.  It has 155 lectures and it is 29.5 hours long video course. It has 128 supplemental resources. Besides it, you can access it for lifetime and after completing it , you will get certificate.

Below is the list of some high rated online courses on JavaScript:-

  • JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts (view)
  • Accelerated JavaScript Training (view)
  • The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project (view)
  • Advanced Javascript (view)
  • ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide (view)
  • Accelerated ES6 JavaScript Training (view)
  • Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started (view)

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