Tips and Tricks to Design a Great UI Interface

Tips and Tricks to Design a Great UI Interface – Building an app interface requires immense knowledge of top frameworks, coordination among programmers, graphic designers, and business analysts. In its initial stage, when it arrives at the designer’s desk, UX and UI are the terms often used throughout its development.

Let’s discuss these terms and how they matter in deciding the success rate of an app during the mobile development process. UX or user experience refers to how a user reacts towards a particular product or service after its anticipated use. In the case of apps, it includes everything from designing to development to working on an app, while ensuring high conversion rates.

The aim of this post to guide you what makes a great UI Interface on different platforms- Android, iOS.

Focus on users

Focus on users includes understanding your users inside out with the help of data. Data means the demographic data that your analytics app presents. This gives a complete picture of what they want, problems they face, features they look for, and many more. Developing empathy for users is important; you would require going beyond the basic stats. Moreover, you would get to know who your buyer personas are by using your app. You can start by digging deep into the latest graphics trends and discuss with a commoner what they expect when it comes to designing. Designers should think from the user’s perspective to fulfill their wants by designing a great interface. If you are a beginner in the realm of designing, enroll yourself in Android development training and get down to basics of it.

Web vs native apps

 Designing a native app for a specific platform requires you to follow certain guidelines. There are usually lesser guidelines when you design for the web. Most times a client has a set of guidelines for an image of an app in mind regarding its appearance and a developer just needs to understand them to give a perfect outlook to an app. Nevertheless, these guidelines should be tailored towards marketing websites rather than user interface decisions. The selection of fonts should depend on marketing and legibility purposes. Striking colors might work better in an ad campaign, but not in an app used on a regular basis. There is a difference in designing an app and a website, and designing an app necessitates the knowledge of various frameworks like Bootstrap and ZURB Foundation. These frameworks help you in understanding the aspects of designing an app and keeps you on track.

3D is the existing trend where designers can play with interfaces using shadows, animations, and transitions. Experts recommend holding the process and design in the browser. Examples of UI Interface designers taking over the UI programming of a native app are rare, but designers are doing the HTML and CSS of an app are commonly seen. If you have coding skills and can design on own, you are likely to get an edge over non-coding designers.

CTA is important

A call to action button triggers users to take actions and promotes interactions on mobile and web. As a user gets into action, it accounts for conversion for a page or screen that leads to subscription, purchase, etc. As they are noticeable, designers intentionally fix them to ensure higher conversion rates. Therefore, CTAs are an integral part of an app and website, and that’s why designers keep them bold containing microscopy, for example, click to learn, say hello, etc.  A designer should know where to place the button to keep clients on the website longer.

Bad designers often make mistakes that hinder user convenience. Banners suddenly turn into full-screen ads. Models pop up compelling users to subscribe even if a reader hasn’t had a chance to decide whether he/ she likes a blog or not. While scrolling through a website page, video interstitials, widgets, flyouts, and tooltips impede a viewer, and sometimes they lead to the total loss of interest. To avoid this, map out a strategy to maintain consistency throughout the pages with a balance of all the above elements to entice a viewer rather than kicking them away. More often than not, intense graphics with the more options confuse a user as to whether he or she should subscribe or not. The key is- the simpler the design, the easier would be to make decisions at users’ end. Try to stick to a one CTA policy when it comes to landing pages and non-newsletter emails. Well-known blogs of Pinterest, Dribble, and others keep CTAs at a minimum while placing them strategically to keep their click rate higher.

It’s all about the speed

 If your website’s page does not load quickly, don’t expect users to wait for it to load.  Key points to consider by designers are:

  • Loading determines whether a user would be able to complete his/her primary goal or not.
  • A user has an embedded perception they would take action if a website feels faster.
  • Load time, load behavior, waiting for times and smoothness of animations are the factors of a dynamic website.
  • Display a website’s skeleton to display the layout when it loads.
  • Make sure text loads before images so that users can read your services till the rest site loads.
  • Longer delays frustrate users, and they prefer to stay away.
  • Delays longer than several seconds will often make users leave the website.


An app’s attractive quotient relies on a target audience. By abiding by the UI design guidelines, you can develop a user-friendly product; high on usability ladder. The app development landscape continues to grow; you should know how to develop a great UI Interface that makes your mobile application amazing. Hope this article routes you toward designing a good interface.