The Best JavaScript Course to Build Real Projects in 2021(view):– JavaScript is an awesome language to learn how to code. Here is an advanced JavaScript online course take you from beginner to expert. No coding experience is required to enroll in this course. If you tried other JavaScript courses and still you are not confident then this is the right one for you.
The course is not only about writing code but also about how and why the code works the way it does. The reason is the perfect mix of theory and practical. It focuses not only tiny coding examples but also on real-world projects. To clear your queries related to any topic, you can ask by questioning and answering with the support in the course. You can download lectures, code, and design assets of all projects. The most important thing is the course is in seven languages – English, French, Italian, Indonesian, German, Japanese Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. Anyone can learn this course with his mother tongue.
Jonas Schmedtmann has created this best JavaScript course. He is a full-stack web developer and designer. Moreover, he has been making websites and apps since 2007. He is very good in explaining the behind the scenes working of JavaScript which really helps in understanding the concepts. His collection of resources and tools are amazing.
This course rating is very high (4.6 out of 5) and 206,492 students are already enrolled. This course includes 28 hours of on-demand video with 165 lectures, 10 articles, and 1 downloadable resource. It is full lifetime access with 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. You can also access on mobile and Television.
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